无人问津:女性、媒介、交谈技巧 Out of the Question: Women, Media and the Art of Inquiry(2009)
- 标签:
- 传记
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Naomi McCormack
- 主演:
- Thelma Ehrlich Anderson / Joan Doris Goldhamer / Gladys Engel Lang / Thelma Herman McCormack / Yole Granata Sills
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Tracks the lives and careers of five women and their experiences with the new forms of mass media in the 1930s and 40s. Children of the depression, they graduated into a media culture mobilized around the propaganda needs of WWII, and worked at the forefront to advance knowledge about communication, social influence, politics and celebrity. Through personal stories they illumin......
- 主演:
- Thelma Ehrlich Anderson / Joan Doris Goldhamer / Gladys Engel Lang / Thelma Herman McCormack / Yole Granata Sills
- 类型:
- 冒险
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 7
- 简介:
- ...
- 评论:
- 蹭热点很明显的一部剧,剧情关键词选定的很鸡贼,就是强权 性侵犯 还有girls help girls,鸡贼的点就在于,你一旦是说这个剧不合理,就很有可能被被扣上不同情受害人不同情女性同情强权的帽子,但是实际上逻辑线断裂,女警线只靠同情断案,不看证据,只靠情感做有罪推论,本身就是不公平,严重污蔑警察形象,赵寻线,前期都可以说是强权压迫,但是到最后发生性关系,还是不拒绝,看的让人干着急,不敢拒绝在她这等于不拒绝,这倒是给仙人跳提供了新思路,反正就是立意高深,但是目前来看,剧本,人物设定,逻辑跟不上这个立意。。。不改,更烂了,林阚跳反,妈呀,真的,就是纯girls help girls 完全不考虑现实逻辑,真的,不会拍这种别怕,拍成这样纯纯恶心恶心观众
- 林允演技太差……对钟楚曦也无语了,只有周迅演技是正常的